Joanna Jones Student Travel Grant

ASPAB student members can apply for travel awards from the Society. These awards are to support travel to conferences (but also workshops and laboratories) relevant to the student’s research goals.

​Grants will be paid prior to travel but only when airfare and registration receipts are received. We will pay up to half the sum of the airfare, plus the early-bird conference registration up to a maximum of AU$1500/NZ$1500. We will not pay accommodation costs. The maximum awarded will be forwarded to the successful applicant.

A student member can only apply for a travel grants once every 12 months.

There are two rounds of applications a year.

Round 1 (due March 31st) will target non-ASPAB meeting travel. Non-ASPAB meeting attendance travel grants will only be considered for PhD students, and only if they have previously attended an annual ASPAB meeting. Only one non-ASPAB meeting attendance travel grant will be awarded for each post graduate candidature.

Round 2 (due August 31st) will target travel grants to our annual ASPAB meeting in Australia or New Zealand.

Deadlines for applications

The applications, plus all documentation, are due to the Secretary of ASPAB, by March 31st and August 31st.


  1. Applicants must have been an ASPAB member for at least 12 consecutive months prior to application (please check with the Treasurer if you are unsure).
  2. ​Applicants applying for funding to attend a conference must deliver an oral or poster presentation; if also attending a workshop or visiting a laboratory, they must indicate how the funds will advance their research goals.
  3. Applicants must be a student at the time of the award.
  4. Non-ASAPB-meeting-related travel grant applicants must state the year they attended an ASPAB annual meeting.

Application must contain:

  1. A complete out application form (Student Travel Grant form)
  2. A proof of Student Status letter on departmental letterhead, signed by the supervisor or Head of Department.
  3. A confidential letter of recommendation for the primary supervisor (form available)
  4. A CV from the applicant (2 page maximum).

Only one successful grant can be awarded per student per 12 month period. The submitted applications will be assessed by a committee consisting of members of the ASPAB board. Criteria will include the scientific merit of the application and the amount of funds available. Preference will be given to students who have not previously received a travel award.

The Applicant will be advised of the award outcomes within 1 month of the deadline closing.

  1. Before funds can be given, proof of participation is required and should be in the form of a letter of acceptance from conference organisers or laboratory administrators.
  2. Grants can be paid prior to travel but only when airfare and registration receipts are received and the applicant includes details of any other funding for which they have applied.
  3. Proof that travel was actually undertaken (e.g. copies of boarding passes etc) is needed. In the event of non-attendance due to medical reasons where the student is unable to claim refunds of fares or expenses, a copy of a Medical Certificate should be forwarded to the Secretary. Once sighted by the Secretary, the certificate will be destroyed. It will not be shown to any other person.
  4. Recipients of awards are required to provide a short description of their travel (photos, highlights, review of work) for the ASPAB newsletter/blog. Send to the newsletter editors within 6 weeks of completion of your travel (see webpage for information –